How to create a 404 page in Elementor (Elementor PRO Tutorial)

Let's create together an effective (and funny) 404 page using Elementor PRO theme builder.

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What is a 404 page?

Definition: the 404 page is the error page that your users will see when they land on a URL of your website that is no more active or incorrect.

The 404 page is a key element for your website SEO and usability!

You should configure this 404 page very carefully and monitor all your 404 errors in order to be able to correct them and grant the best experience for your website visitors and avoid loosing SEO ranking for your website content.

How to create a 404 page with Elementor PRO Theme Builder

Using Elementor Theme Builder it is very easy to set up a 404 page in a few clicks. In the video tutorial at the beginning of this post you'll see a complete guide where I show you how to configure this page.

In the video I'll also show you a bonus content: how to setup a funny animation using the Elementor PRO widget called LottieFiles and downloading a free animation from the official LottieFiles website.

The 404 page is important for your website's SEO and usability

From the SEO point of view it is vital to set up correctly this page and to monitor and correct all the 404 errors in order to be sure that all your indexed URL's will always work properly and that your SEO will not be damaged from URL's that are no more active.

If you have a 404 page set up correctly you should also display a customised message informing your visitors that they might have landed on an old or incorrect URL of your website and you should offer them a quick way to access your website home page and your website latest content: recent products or recent blog posts for example.

By using a free professional SEO plugin like Rank Math you can easily monitor all the 404 errors on your website and redirect them to the correct content.

To avoid the increasing of your website bounce rate (the percentage of people visiting just one page of your website and then leaving it) you can also try to set up a search bar on the 404 page and let people try to search for the content that they where looking for when thy stumbled upon the 404 error.

If you have any feedback, questions, or considerations you want to share with me, don't hesistate to write me a line in the comment section below!

Views: 62
Pascal Claro
Pascal Claro

YouTuber & WordPress enthusiast, founder WP Roads. Happy husband and father based in Paris. I love to share news, reviews and interviews all about WordPress.

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