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How to create a Floating Header in Elementor (Elementor PRO Tutorial)

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How to create modern floating headers in Elementor PRO

In this Elementor tutorial I am going to teach you how to create a professional designed floating header using Elementor PRO theme builder.

We are going to re-create three kind of floating headers and optimise them for tablet and mobile devices.

Here you can see a preview of the three headers we are going to build in the video:

elementor header tutorial floating header design

Download the json file of the headers

You can download the json files of the 3 headers I create during the tutorial. Just subscribe to my newsletter and you'll receive them directly.

A possible new header design trend for 2024 and 2025

The floating header design is a probable new design trend for 2024 and 2025, be the first to create or update your Elementor headers following my tutorial and impress your clients and visitors!

Floating headers are modern, good looking and easy to navigate, let's have fun creating them together!

Don't esitate to share your feedback and your website link in the comment section below, I am very curious to see what kind of headers you're going to create by following my tutorial 🤩

Other Elementor resources

If you use Elementor I invite you to follow my free ultimate Elementor PRO tutorial (8h guide!).

Remember to checkout my favorite WordPress tools and subscribe to WP Roads newsletter if you want to stay in touch!

I wish you all the best and see you in the comment section below 💬

Views: 73

Pascal Claro

YouTuber & WordPress Enthusiast, founder @ WP Roads. Happy husband and father based in Paris. I love to share news, tutorials and reviews about WordPress.

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